IJMC Flowers For Monica?

                   IJMC - Flowers For Monica?

I'm not even sure if I should send this one out...if you're really tired 
of hearing about Monica and Clinton, well, skip this one. Me? A good 
joke's still a good joke and I liked this one. Anyway, I forgot to follow 
up on the possible announcement. To answer a question, no, it wasn't 
about a job, but no, I don't have anything else to say about it yet. 
Another postponement. Which probably is about the same as no 
announcement. Confused yet? Welcome to the game.                    -dave

At the Gennifer Flowers press conference today, one local reporter asked
Ms. Flowers if she saw any similarities between her 'encounter' with the
President and the 'encounter' Monica Lewinsky described to the Grand Jury? 
   "Were the President's advances toward you similar?"
Ms. Flowers replied, "close but no cigar".

IJMC October 1998 Archives