IJMC New Light Bulb Joke

                      IJMC - New Light Bulb Joke

Here's one from our readers...I've left his request and commentary intact 
for all of you to read and enjoy. Ok, so I also left it because I don't 
have much to say right now...so, g'night.                           -dave

I made this one up myself...hope you like it....if you decide to print it
give me credit please?  i really like your list...i stayed with it even
through the spam episode a few months back.  keep them coming!

How many american presidents does it take to screw in a light bulb?
one, but he didn't have sexual relations with the light bulb as defined in
his January deposition.

The Unabageler  http://hackforfood.com

IJMC October 1998 Archives