IJMC Save the Dog!

                           IJMC - Save the Dog!

Well, this one kinda touched me, so here it is for your perusal. And 
hopefully, Andy will fix the broken links, as I'm curious to see the dog 
in questions. Do with this as you will, it's your call.            -dave

 I'm a member of the IJMC, and when this idea hit me that maybe it could be
 just that easy to save my dog, I had to send this to you as well as my
 friends.  Maybe someone out there wants to help, and you can get out of
 having to write much for the day's message! 
  ---------- Forwarded message ----------
 Date: Tue, 10 Mar 1998 19:25:23 -0600 (CST)
 From: poe2@ksu.edu
 To: Aaron Otto <aotto@ksu.ksu.edu>, charvat@ksu.edu,
     "Toby J. Martinez" <tjm4079@ksu.edu>
 Subject: Hello everybody...
 Hello, everybody!
 I finally found a way to raise the much needed money for my dog's (Josie)
 surgery!  If all goes well, it won't take long to raise the money and the
 operation could be done before she's in any serious pain.  
 For those of you who are friends of my friends and don't know me
 personally, I'm a junior in Elementary Education at Kansas State
 University, and I have an Akita that needs your help.  She inherited
 severe hip displaysia and needs a $1200.00 operation to remove the femoral
 heads that fit into the "socket" of the
 hip.  This procedure seems to work pretty well, with a success rate in the
 high 90's.
 The good news is:  I already have $100.00 in a savings account
 set up for her and lots of great friends.  Here's the plan:
 1.  Send $1, or more if you can, to:
 Sunflower Bank
 (Andy Hanson- the Josie Fund)
 2710 Anderson Avenue
 Manhattan, KS.  66502
 2.  Send this e-mail to at least two friends that you know as well as I
 know you.  That way, everyone knows that this is a legitimate cause.
 (Everyone on the origonal list has met Josie.)
 Thank you for all your help!
 P.S.  I have a website with additional information about Josie, pictures
 of the dog you are helping, links to information about hip displaysia, a
 counter updated weekly for how much we need to go to reach the goal, and a
 place to send me questions or comments directly.  Thanks again!  
 The address is:  http://members.tripod.com/~handyanson/index.html

 Andy and Josie

IJMC March 1998 Archives