IJMC - The Growing Pains of Administrivia
Well, last night's post seemed to go out ok...and then was quickly
followed by Miss Katie's request to join this humble (sic) list. I
apologize to everyone for that but there is a good side to everyone
receiving her request. I found a configuration option I had forgotten to
set. By finding it quickly the hole could not be abused as I am sure some
of you might remember...that was a painful week. So, I poured over the
entire configuration again and I think I have everything set properly
now. I will still keep my fingers crossed.
That said, thanks to all of you who wrote in the past twenty-four hours.
I too am glad to have the list running again and your support is always
appreciated...I hope all of you continue to enjoy this list. Enough of
this administrivia junk, time to move on to the real stuff! -dave