IJMC The True People's Choice

                   IJMC - The True People's Choice

America seems to be in love with award shows. We are so determined to say 
who is the best at anything, where anything ranges from eating the most 
matza balls to the most beautiful woman in the world. This country is 
obsessed with the idea that someone has to be first and no one else 
matters. So enter the "People's Choice" awards. An award where "the 
people" can choose the winners, not some silly panel of judges no one 
knows. Hmm...kinda like true democracy vs. the electoral system we 
actually use...but that is another deal. Anyway, Kilborn spoke out at the 
last ceremony to say something I think we already knew...           -dave

I'm sure you heard this, but in case you didn't...

Sunday, Craig Kilborn presented the People's Choice Award for best song or
something, and said the following: 

"The Backstreet Boys are unable to accept this award in person because
they are touring as N Sync..." 

I seriously doubt he'll do another award show again.

I bet he's right though...

IJMC January 2000 Archives