IJMC 1998...1999...2000...Here We Come, Ready Or Not

         IJMC - 1998...1999...2000...Here We Come, Ready Or Not

Does anyone out there have any experience with loading Windows 95/98, 
Windows NT 4.0, and Linux (using RedHat 6.1 currently) all on the same 
disk? I think I am going to have to do some experimenting on how to get 
it all to work _and_ allow me to use the entire 18gb disk. Another week, 
I will let you know how much hair I have left...                   -dave

P.S. Going into the top of the 11th...will there be a 12th inning?

You know the 90's are almost over when ...

1.  Everyone used to joke about a Starbucks on every corner, and now there is a Starbucks on every corner.
2.  People mark December 31st on their calendar as "The End of the World."
3.  Gen-Xers trade their futons in for orthopedic support mattresses.
4.  You realize a big family is inefficient and decide to downsize.
5.  HBO introduces it's new channel: HBO Pi - The channel that never repeats.
6.  Movie promos brag, "Funniest Movie of the Millenium."
7.  Parents complain to their college kids, "You never e-mail us anymore."
8.  Clinton responds to all allegations with, "So what are you gonna do about it?"
9.  People tell you their salary followed by, "with stock options."
10. George Foreman's Super-Deluxe Grill loses to Muhammad Ali's Damn-Straight Salad Shooter.
11. Ritalin comes in the shapes of Flintstones characters.
12. Everything computer science majors learn in school is outdated before graduation.
13. Domino's Pizza only delivers to non-smoking homes.
14. Out of force-of-habit, you tag your signature with ".com."
15. People refer to New Age remedies as Old School.
16. You realize you haven't seen a movie this decade that hasn't been interrupted by a cell phone.
17. You're sick of receiving lists about the 90s.

IJMC October 1999 Archives