IJMC The Relativity of God

                    IJMC - The Relativity of God

There are some days when I shouldn't even bother rolling out of bed. Next 
time I have one, I think I won't. Bother getting out of bed that is. I 
know that I'm doing something wrong today, cause I'm about to actually 
have a chance to get eight hours of sleep in one night. Now, if this 
trend keeps up, you may start to see some really scary things here in 
these posts. You know, like relevancy. Coherency. Intelligence. So, 
consider yourself warned, although I don't think you have to take it 
seriously. 'cause I can't remember the last time in my life when I got 
eight hours of sleep a night for a week straight. Maybe sometime in 
elementary school, but I'm not sure of that. G'night.               -dave

A young man once asked God how long a million years was to Him. 

God replied, 

   "A million years to me is like a single second in your time."

Then the young man asked God what a million dollars was to Him. 

God replied,

   "A million dollars to me is just like a single penny to you."

Then the young man got his courage up and asked: 

   "God, could I have one of your pennies?"

God replied,

   "Certainly, just a second."

IJMC March 1999 Archives