IJMC Gutenberg Bible, Regular Price, $4 Million Bucks

         IJMC - Gutenberg Bible, Regular Price, $4 Million Bucks

Ok, catching up from the last few days, and probably suffering from mild 
exhaustion. Tonight I should catch up on sleep, and then things may 
actually be back to normal...assuming my Internet connection doesn't die 
like it did last night. So, here's a few IJMC's, then I'll probably start 
back at my nightly postings tomorrow night.                         -dave

A rare book collector met a guy who said he'd just thrown out an old BIBLE
that had been packed away for generations.  "Somebody named Guten-
something had printed it," the man explained. 

"Not Gutenberg!" gasped the book lover.  "You've just thrown away one of
the most famous books ever printed.  One copy recently sold at auction for
over $4 million dollars!" 

The other man still unmoved.  "My copy wouldn't have brought a dime," he
said "some guy named Martin Luther scribbled notes all over it." 

IJMC January 1999 Archives