IJMC IJMC for Japanese

                     IJMC - IJMC for Japanese

Tonight, I don't have much to send you. However, I want to make everyone 
aware of the efforts of a fine International Junk Mail Clearinghouse 
subscriber, Bammy. Bammy, as of October 19, 1998 has been translating 
some of the posts into Japanese. I've included all the links below for 
those of you who have an interest in seeing the IJMC in Kanji. Of course, 
your browser has to be able to read the paes, but I think those of you 
interested know all about that. Many thanks to Bammy for his efforts to 
help make the IJMC truly International.                             -dave

P.S. Here's a quick link for those of you who don't have much of an 
interest in the above...

<A HREF="http://callisto.worldonline.nl/~mjkales/smile.htm">Click Here</A>

Bammy does the IJMC for Japanese!

*Home Page=
<A HREF="http://www.asahi-net.or.jp/~as3k-smmr/index.htm">Click Here</A>

*Listing Page=
<A HREF="http://www.asahi-net.or.jp/~as3k-smmr/eng1.htm">Click Here</A>

*"Grapple with English"(I've made a new heading.)=
<A HREF="http://www.asahi-net.or.jp/~as3k-smmr/gwe-e.htm">Click Here</A>

And, *"IJMC for Japanese"=
<A HREF="http://www.asahi-net.or.jp/~as3k-smmr/ijmcj/ijmcj-e.htm">Click Here</A>

Thank you so much for your IJMC and you!!
 The Byway of Reading 
  The Byroad of Life

  Bammy  from TOKYO JAPAN
  office worker(DTP designer)

IJMC February 1999 Archives