IJMC Mr. Right Rejection Letter: The Geek Generation

         IJMC - Mr. Right Rejection Letter: The Geek Generation

You know, we could come up with an entire subset of these. Anyone want to=
work on other versions? If we get enough, I could just make a link on the=
page to all of them...of course, that would be the first link on the page=
I've made in about six months...but who said it was outdated...     -dave

Mr. Right Rejection Letter Form number 2 (the geek factor)

Dear (___rejectee's name here____)

I regret to inform you that you have been eliminated from further
contention as my Mr. Right.=20

As you are probably aware, the competition 'was exceedingly tough and
dozens of well-qualified candidates such as yourself also failed to make
the final cut. I will, however, keep your name on file should an opening
become available. So that you may find better success in your future
romantic endeavors, please allow me to offer the following reason(s) you
were disqualified from the competition:=20

[Check all those that apply]

 ___ Your glasses outweigh my car'=92s windshield.

 ___ You feel your ability to speak fluent Klingon makes you bilingual.

 ___ The fact that our finest dining experience to date has been rice crisp=
     squares with crunch berries.

 ___ The fact that the very mention of the word =93condom=94 causes you to =
     red and giggle like a school girl.

 ___ You failed the 20 Question Rule, i.e., I asked you 20 questions about
     yourself and all you did was describe your computer, your Voodoo2 and=
     Quake 2.

 ___ Your legs are skinnier than your arms.

 ___ Your "Putting on a few, aren't you Jaba?" comment was inappropriate.
     =93What is Jaba anyway, computer jargon?=94

 ___ You have little or no money.  And any you might have your mother holds
     onto it for you.

 ___ I find your inability to fix anything but your own computer
     extraordinarily unappealing.

 ___ The fact that your apartment is more advanced then the Pentagon, NASA,
     and Airforce One put together scares me.

 ___ The phrase "My Mother" has made things pop up.

 ___ You still live with your parents, and spend most of the night killing
     people over the internet, are both slight negatives.

 ___ You have no =93ex-=93 anything. Not even a pet.

 ___ Your gift of a collectors edition Star Trek communicator badge shows y=
     have no idea about style.

 ___ Three final words....What Are You?


=09[Your name here]

IJMC February 1999 Archives