IJMC Whoever Said the Irish and Spainish Were Punny?

        IJMC - Whoever Said the Irish and Spainish Were Punny?

If the title didn't warn you off...there's no hope for ya, me lass or 
laddie. You're doomed to read this post.                        -dave

In the early 1700s,  the captain of a Spanish pirate ship was very
proud of his mongrel pet for its ability to bark once for "Si," and
twice for "No." After being captured by a British commander, the dog was
taught the same trick in English. He thereby became . . . the world's
first "Si" and "Aye" dog! 


An Irishman named O'Leary, who loved to sing as he worked, bought a mule
to farm his garden. The mule worked well but was almost totally deaf.
So, when his owner yelled, "Whoa!", the animal often continued plowing.
Asked how the mule was working out, O'Leary shook his head. "There was a
time," he said, "when all the neighbors could hear was me singing my
lilting melodies." "Lately, I'm afraid, they've heard nothing but ....
my riled Irish whoa's!"

Dr. Ed

IJMC December 1998 Archives