IJMC No Apologies

                        IJMC - No Apologies

Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls, and everyone else...we're back to 
one a day! Yep, your low-fat, no calorie IJMC is back where it belongs. 
At least until I go out of town again in a few days...oh well, I tried. 
And for a short while...succeeded!                                -dave

P.S. IJMC Public Service Announcement: the Disney/Microsoft email 
tracking thing...it's a hoax. For one, Walt Disney had two daughters, and 
although one of them named a child Walter Elias Disney (Walt's full name) 
the child's last name is Miller (and I guess he's an adult now...).

(From the January 89 issue of Unix/Review)

Three statisticians go out hunting together. After a while they
spot a solitary rabbit. The first statistician takes aim and
overshoots. The second aims and undershoots.
The third shouts out "We got him!"

No apologies to statisticians.

IJMC August 1998 Archives