IJMC And To Make Up For It All

                    IJMC - And To Make Up For It All

Well, because of being so dead and whatnot the past few days, there were 
no IJMCs (ok, it also had to do with Netcom not letting me in...). So you 
get three at once now. This is two out of three, so look forward to one 
more real soon now. And yes, I do exist, for all of you who have been 
with the IJMC for a while and still aren't sure...                  -dave

To realize the value of ONE YEAR
 Ask a student who has failed his exam.

To realize the value of ONE MONTH
 Ask a mother who has given birth to a pre-mature baby.

To realize the value of ONE WEEK
 Ask an editor of a weekly.

To realize the value of ONE DAY
 Ask a daily wage labourer.

To realize the value of ONE HOUR
 Ask the lovers who are waiting to meet.

To realize the value of ONE MINUTE
 Ask a person who has missed the train.

To realize the value of ONE SECOND
 Ask a person who has survived an accident.

To realize the value of ONE MILLI-SECOND
 Ask the person who has won a silver medal in Olympics.

To realize the value of ONE MICRO-SECOND
 Ask a NASA scientist.

To realize the value of ONE NANO-SECOND
 Ask a Hardware Engineer.

And if you still don't realize the value of time you must be

               a Software  Engineer!!!

IJMC June 1997 Archives