IJMC Solo Drinking Games?

			IJMC - Solo Drinking Games?

I'm almost tempted to suggest people send in their ideas for some solo 
drinking games...hmm, I am tempted. Anyone who can think of a solo 
drinking game (previous experience and or testing of such game not 
required, but if it sounds good, I'm game...) send it in to me, 
eatheror@netcom.com and I'll put together a "top ten" list and repost it 
in a week or so...assuming I receive enough replies (did I spell 
"receive" correctly Aaron? I'm too tired to pull out my dictionary right 
now). Anyway, that's that, and this is that, and that's what it is. 
Goodnight all, I have some pleasant dreams to go have.             -dave

     Solo Drinking Games for the Alcoholic
     It's hard to capture the free-spirited, humorous spontaneity of the 
     drinking game when you're the only one drinking. That's why we have 
     thoughtfully prepared this list for the alcoholic who is still boozing 
     long after everyone has left the party, and your life.
     RULES: Spin the Bottle, and whoever it points to, drinks. If the
     bottle doesn't point directly at anyone, the person nearest to the 
     right drinks, and since you are playing alone, it is always you.
     SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS: Make sure the bottle is empty before you 
     RULES: Take off your shirt and start drinking. If your liver swells up 
     to such an incredible size that you can see it poking out beneath your 
     rib cage, you lose.
     NOTE: This game usually takes a few years, so stock up your supplies 
     before commencing your solo festivities.
     RULES: Bring a hip flask full of whisky to work. Every time someone 
     tells you to do something, take a drink. If someone asks you if you're 
     drinking on the job, take two drinks. Score double points if you vomit 
     on your boss.
     NOTES: This game helps you get through a grueling workday quickly, so 
     you can head out to a bar after work.
     RULES: Sit at a table or bar and get a drink. Think about your life. 
     Every time you have a depressing thought, take a swig. Play proceeds 
     from the left to the right hand. You always lose.
     RULES: This game calls for a steady hand, and the detective skills of 
     Sherlock Holmes. After a bout of post-party puking, examine your 
     vomit. For every meal-part you correctly identify, take a drink. For 
     any piece you find that you can't remember eating, (You were blasted!) 
     take three drinks. If you find another living organism in the mess, 
     drink a whole bottle. This game adds challenge and excitement to a 
     normally exruciating experience!
     I hope these simple games will provide you with even more reasons to 
     drink. Have fun!

IJMC May 1996 Archives