IJMC Followup to Last Week's Republican Thingy

	     IJMC - Followup to Last Week's Republican Thingy

Well, a week or so ago I sent out a mailing about the Republican Women's 
convention selling rude bumper stickers. One of our operatives decided to 
call the Women and find out just what happened. He was mailed this. 
Thought you all should hear their side...			    -dave

the following is the letter i received from the National
Federation of Republican Women in response to the phone
call i previously told you about....


Dear Brandon: [they can't spell, but i wont hold that against

Thank you for your telephone call concerning the
objectionable bumper stickers which were sold at the 28th
biennial convention of the National Federation of Republican
Women in Alburquerque, New Mexico in September.

Please know that the NFRW did not sell these bumper
stickers or endorse the slogans that were displayed. 
However, they were sold by one of our many exhibitors. 
When it was brought to our attention by the New Mexico
host committee exhibit chairman on Saturday afternoon, I
asked the vendor to remove the objectionable bumper
stickers and she immediately complied.  It was a lesson
well learned and will result in stricter control over materials
sold/displayed by exhibitors in the future.  We are very sorry
that this incident occurred and would never knowingly do
anything to offend any individual or group.

The NFRW is a strong and vibrant educational organization
with 113,000 members in more than 2,000 clubs across the
nation.  Founded in 1938, we work to elect Republicans to
office at all levels of government.  We share your concerns
and want you to know that the messages displayed on the
bumper stickers in question absolutely do not reflect the
attitudes of our thousands of dedicated members.

Jewell Duvall
Convention Coordinator

IJMC February 1996 Archives