IJMC Archives

August 2001
                           IJMC - Donkeys

After three disconnects in trying to send this post, I really gots to sit
down and finish learning enough Perl to write a more generic script. Oh
well, I guess I know what I will be doing over Labor Day.           -dave

What do you call a donkey with one leg?

* A wonky donkey

What do you call a donkey with one leg and one eye?

* A winky wonky donkey

What do you call a donkey with one leg and one eye makin' love?

* A bonky winky wonky donkey

What do you call a donkey with one leg and one eye makin' love while
breaking wind?

* A stinky bonky winky wonky donkey

What do you call a donkey with one leg and one eye makin' love while
breaking wind, wearing blue suede shoes ?

* A honky tonky stinky bonky winky wonky donkey

What do you call a donkey with one leg and one eye makin' love while
breaking wind, wearing blue suede shoes and playing piano?

* A plinky plonky honky tonky stinky bonky winky wonky donkey

What do you call a donkey with one leg and one eye makin' love while
breaking wind, wearing blue suede shoes, playing piano and driving a

**see below**


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