IJMC - For Lyman, With Love
Man-o-man, I am so NOT a Conservative Protestant! Nothing against
Conservative Protestants, I simply am not one. A score of 17? Nope, not
me at this time. I turn out to be more Scientology than Christian Science.
Higher on the Humanist scale than the Athiest chart...but a dead tie
between Islam, Latter Day Saints, and Roman Catholic. So what does it
mean? I dunno...but everyone can read on and learn a little more about me
and perhaps then about yourselves. Yes, even you, my conservative
friend...send me your score! -dave
Hey everyone,
I came across the following website which asks eight questions and matches
your responses with people of different faiths to help you see where you fit
in. My results are below. Please check it out and see how you rank. It takes
about 10 minutes.
Have fun!
<A HREF="http://www.speakout.com/ActivismTools/selectors/religion/">Click Here</A>
[My Results, Added For Your Selecto-Matic Pleasure...-dave]
HERE ARE YOUR RESULTS...The list below is modified by your input. The results are
scored on a curve. The highest score, 100, represents the closest match to your responses. This does
not mean that this or any religion has every view that you selected. However, the religion at the top of
your list shares more of your selected beliefs than the others.
Unitarian Universalist ...click to learn more (score=100)
Humanist ...click to learn more (score=92)
Theravada Buddhist ...click to learn more (score=82)
Atheist/Agnostic...click to learn more (score=82)
Neo-Pagan ...click to learn more (score=79)
Liberal Quaker ...click to learn more (score=78)
Mainline to Liberal Protestant...click to learn more (score=66)
New Age ...click to learn more (score=57)
Bah ...click to learn more (score=57)
Reform Judaism ...click to learn more (score=57)
Scientology ...click to learn more (score=43)
Sikhism ...click to learn more (score=43)
Mahayana Buddhist ...click to learn more (score=43)
New Thought ...click to learn more (score=40)
Jainism ...click to learn more (score=37)
Orthodox Quaker ...click to learn more (score=37)
Christian Science ...click to learn more (score=34)
Eastern Orthodox ...click to learn more (score=30)
Hindu ...click to learn more (score=30)
Islam ...click to learn more (score=30)
Latter Day Saints...click to learn more (score=30)
Orthodox Judaism ...click to learn more (score=30)
Roman Catholic ...click to learn more (score=30)
Seventh Day Adventist ...click to learn more (score=25)
Jehovahs Witness ...click to learn more (score=17)
Mainline to Conservative Protestant...click to learn more (score=17)
<A HREF="http://www.speakout.com/ActivismTools/selectors/religion/">Ok, I want to test for my score now...</A>