IJMC The Children of Israel

                      IJMC - The Children of Israel

Today I began learning the art of the interview. I think I largely learned
that there is a lot more to interviewing than most interviewers have ever
realized. I go back tomorrow...they are bringing in some candidates for us
to "mock" interview. I just hope I can show what I have learned today. I
do think it is really cool learning this stuff...I must admit I always
thought good interviewers were mostly natural talent and practice. Until
today I never thought of the skill as a taught skill. I learn.       -dave

At the Henry Street Hebrew School, Goldblatt, the new teacher, finished
the day's lesson. It was now time for the usual question period.

"Mr. Goldblatt," announced little Joey, "there's somethin' I can't figger

   "What's that Joey?" asked Goldblatt.

"Well accordin' to the Bible, the Children of Israel crossed the Red Sea,


"An' the Children of Israel beat up the Philistines, right?"


"An' the Children of Israel built the Temple, right?"

   "Again you're right."

"An' the Children of Israel fought the Egyptians, an' the Children of
Israel fought the Romans, an' the Children of Israel wuz always doin'
somethin' important, right?"

   "All that is right, too," agreed Goldblatt. "So what's your question?"

"What I wanna know is this," demanded Joey. "What wuz all the grown-ups

IJMC October 2000 Archives