IJMC What Does This Joke Have To Do With Curry Chicken

        IJMC - What Does This Joke Have To Do With Curry Chicken

The answer is I do not know. Nor do I know what the humor is in the 
"bonus" you should find shortly. However I felt bad about pulling it out, 
in case someone understands the joke. Oh, and to mention, I guess I got 
reamed by not doing a little research when I knew I ought to. So Rush 
pulled one over my eyes by relabling a lot of Quayle lines at Gore lines, 
I am still waiting for a reasonable candidate to come forth. At this 
point I would rather write-in Mickey Mouse than vote for anyone I have 
heard of running for the next American presidency. Oh well...       -dave

An Indian immigrates to London. 
As he settles in, he goes to a grocery store to buy some toilet paper. 

 "What have you got ?" asks the Indian.

   "We have the Prince of Wales packet for just 8 pounds"

 "That's too much for me -  what else have you got ?"

   "Well we have the royal crown toilet paper for just 5 pounds" 

 "That's also too much for me -  what else have you got ?"

   "Well, just for you, we have one without a name, and it will cost you only
    one pound !"

 "OK then"

So the immigrant takes the toilet paper...............

A week later he calls the grocery store:

 "Remember me, I bought the nameless toilet paper last week"

   "Sure I do"

 "Well I have a name for it !"

   "Good, what is it ?"

 "John Wayne !"

   "Why is that ?"

 "Well, it's rough and it's tough and don't take no shit from an Indian !"
bonus - 
How do you say in Marokaish " a thief" ?
(scroll down.....)


IJMC September 1999 Archives