IJMC Computer Geeks, "\uunite\007\n"

               IJMC - Computer Geeks, "\uunite\007\n"

I am often amused at the timeliness of some of these posts. You see, I 
take all submissions and put them in a queue. So each day, when I send 
out the post, I am not always sure what will come up. Far too often, what 
comes up seems to match my life in some way. You see, today, I'm sending 
out the post right now because I need another piece of scratch paper to 
sketch out part of a program I'm writing. Some of you may remember that I 
use a Far Side One-a-Day calendar to keep track of which post is (was?) 
for which day. So when I've finished sending this out, I'll have another 
piece of scratch paper (with a cartoon on the back...all the better!) and 
I can return to my work. Read today's post with that in mind, and 
remember, I didn't pick this one out deliberately...                -dave

You know you're a computer geek when:

"to think outside of the box" means to sketch something out on paper.

benlangberg graphicdesigner
s t i l l c u r r e n t d e v e l o p m e n t

IJMC June 1999 Archives