IJMC Ruskies Were Red

                      IJMC - Ruskies Were Red

Americans were blue. Here's a stupid Joke. Just for you. Ok, so making 
bad jokes worse is one thing I'm fairly good at. It's late on a Sunday 
night so I'm allowed. Or at least, no one can stop me at this point. You 
can keep me from doing it again, but this one's out. To say I'm in an odd 
mood tonight would be an understatement, and many of you know what I'm 
like normally...                                                    -dave

Ahhh -- the good ole days when Ronnie was in office:

Presidential Aide - Mr. Reagan!. Mr Reagan Sir!!! The Russians 
have just landed on the Moon! And they've started to paint it 
red!  What shall we do? 

Ronnie - Come back when they've finished, son. 

P.A. [later] - Mr. Reagan Sir. The Russians have painted a 
quarter of the moon red! 

Ronnie - Don't worry about it, son. Tell me when they've 

P.A. [still later] - Mr. Reagan Sir. The Russians have now 
painted half the moon red! Aren't you going to do anything? 

Ronnie - Nope, not yet. 

P.A. [still later and even more anxious] - Mr. Reagan Sir. The 
Russians have now painted THREE-QUARTERS of the moon 
red! Can we bomb them, Sir? Please, Sir? 

Ronnie - [ as before ] 

P.A. - Mr Reagan. They've painted the WHOLE moon red! 

Ronnie - OK. Now call NASA, and tell them to get a rocket up 
there, with plenty of white paint, and paint "Coca-Cola" across 

IJMC June 1999 Archives