IJMC - D'oh McGuyver!
Let's see who catches the references. First one's easy, second one's a
bit more difficult...but hey, you've got a one in twenty shot on the
second one anyway. I remembered something tonight. The reason I didn't
take classes was so that I'd have some more free time this summer.
However, I'm spending that free time working. Uhm. Brain check failed. I
am spending Sundays doing fun stuff...but to only gain one day per week.
Not exactly what I thought I'd do. Guess I should start taking classes
again. Only two months til Fall semester begins... -dave
1. Fission shmission, relax, I'll increase the water level after my coffee
2. Was that "Open valve A and close valve B" or was it the other way round?
3. This whole plant will be running under Win95 tomorrow.
4. HEY! Is smoke coming out of the core normal?
5. Who forgot to pay the water bill?
6. We got 12 seconds to WHAT????
7. Meet your new plan superintendent: Bozo the clown.
8. A leak? Can't you fix it with duct tape or something?
9. Oh yeah! 50 bucks says I can make it blow.
10. It's Russian technology.
11. Move over Three Mile Island - here we come !!!
12. Sniff, sniff.... you smell that?
13. I used to work at Chernobyl.
14. All the way to the RIGHT, not LEFT you dummy!
15. It's your turn to wax the core.
16. How come all the big shots are leaving?
17. Is that a 60 minute film crew out there?
18. Is this part really necessary?
19. OF COURSE I went to high school. Didn't finish it, though.
20. Look at the good news: we are going to find out whether people actually
glow in the dark.