IJMC The Century In Review

                     IJMC - The Century In Review

Maybe next year, at the end of 2001, I will do an "International Junk 
Mail Clearinghouse In Review." For this year, this report will have to do 
you well. Everyone, although this is probably a little late, have a 
wonderful New Year's Eve (an on another day in some countries...). Party 
well, drink hard (if legally of age, of course), and do what feels good 
and is right. The next decade is upon us, and I for one am looking 
forward to it...well, it, and some grammar lessons. Have fun.       -dave

Reprinted from U.S. News & World Report, December 27, 1999 without 
permission <s>:

				1900		2000

Adults completing High School:	 15%		 83%

Home with electricity:		  8%		 99.9%

Price of a postage stamp:	$ .59		$ .33

Federal Budget Outlay:		$10.3 Billion	$1.7 Trillion

Defense Expenditures:		$4 Billion	$268 Billion

National Debt:			$24.8 Billion	$5 Trillion

Per Capita National Debt:	$325		$23,276

Voter Turnout:			73.7%		48.9%

Books Published:		6,356		65,800

Average Size of Household:	4.76 Persons	2.62 Persons

Beer Consuption per Person:	58.8 Gallons	31.6 Gallons

Number of Bison:		400		200,000

US Population:			75,994,575	273,482,000

Median Age:			22.9		35.7

Urban vs. Rural:		40% vs. 60%	75% vs. 25%

Birthrate (births/thousand):	32.2/1000	14.2/1000

Immigrant Population:		14.7%		7.9%

Biggest Source of Immigrants:	Austria/Hungary	Mexico

# of Millionaires:		3,000		3.5 Million

Average Income:			$8,620		$23,812

Deaths: Industrial Accidents	35,000/Yr.	6,100/Yr.

Average Work Week:		60 Hours	44 Hours

Most Millionaires per capita:	Buffalo		Seattle

Population of Los Angeles	102,479		3.8 Million

Cigaretts Produced:		4 Billion	720 Billion

Daily Newspapers:		2,226		1,489

Farm Population:		29,875,000	4,600,000

Number of Farms:		5,740,000	2,191,510

Dow Jones Industral Average:	68.13		11,000

Patents Granted:		24,556		147,500

Cars, Registered in US:		8,000		130,000,000

Highway Fatalities:		36/100 Mil. Mi.	1.64/100 Mil. mi.

Miles of Paved Road:		10		4,000,000

Cars Produced in US:		5,000		5.5 Million

Male Life Expectancy:		46.3 Years	73.6 Years

Female Life Expectancy:		48.3 Years	79.6 Years

Deaths In Childbirth:		9/1000		0.1/1000

Cancer Deaths:			64/1000		200/1000

Divorced Men:			.3%		8.2%

Divorced Women:			.5%		10.3%

Form you own conclusions <s>.


IJMC December 1999 Archives