IJMC Administrivia Copystuff

                     IJMC - Administrivia Copystuff

Ok, just a quickie. I sent out a "Top 14" list the other night which came 
from Chris White's marvellous Top 5 List. Chris puts a lot of effort into 
his list and deserves credit where credit is due. The post I sent out was 
apparently slightly edited. You can find the original here:


Last, but not least in some minds, here is the Copyright info that should 
have been at the bottom of the post I sent...

   Copyright 1999 by Chris White
   The Top 5 List *--* top5@gmbweb.com *--* http://www.topfive.com
   To forward or repost, please include this section.
   You like to receive credit for your work, and so do we.

And as they say, that is all she wrote. Jokes to follow.            -dave

IJMC December 1999 Archives