IJMC - Better Later Than Never
Ok, so I forgot to send this out and now it is a few weeks past
Thanksgiving. Half of these are just food-related, not Turkey-day related
so they kinda apply. Someone should just drop like four and make it a
generic top ten list or something...I could, but well, I am feeling lazy
right now, so you do it... -dave
The Top 14 Upcoming Thanksgiving-Themed Movies
14> To Kill A Walking Bird
13> My Best Friend's Dressing
12> The Texas Coleslaw Massacre
11> Casserolablanca
10> The Fabulous Baster Boys
9> 12 Hungry Men
8> Silence of the Yams
7> For Love of The Game Hen
6> I Know What You Ate Last Winter
5> All the President's Menu
4> White Meat Can't Jump
3> When Harry Met Salad
2> The Story of U.S.
and the Number 1 Upcoming Thanksgiving-Themed Movie...
1> The Wing and I