IJMC The Deluge Train of Stupidity Keeps on Rolling

         IJMC - The Deluge Train of Stupidity Keeps on Rolling

What kind of kharma creates an error in a "corrections" message? I mean,=20
really, needing to send out a correction on a correction just because I=20
still need to update my scripts to handle a little error processing? Oi,=20
when the errors post returned to me with the mauled subject and various=20
headers intact, well, I almost blew a gasket. Then I remembered, I have=20
no gaskets so I guess I did not come that close to blowing one. Oh well,=20
life goes on, after all, it is a Monday. Now where is my lasagna?  -dave

Read an interesting article in the Sunday Wichita Eagle, talking about
gullable computer users,thought I would take the time to share some of it
with you.......Pete

wake up America!!!!=20

Your movie theater seats are booby trapped with HIV infected needles!=20

The post Office is going to tax your E-MAIL !=20

Your on the verge of winning a trip to Disneyworld, tons of FREE M&M's, or
all the clothes in the warehouses of GAP!!=20

Sounds unbelievable??? So why would so many people believe it is true???=20
Because so many Americans have become particularly susceptible to the
"Gullibility VIRUS", a stubborn strain that weakens a persons ability to
QUESTION what they read on e-mail, no matter how outrageous, and COMPELS
them to email copies of dubious tales to all their friends and

E-Mail Hoaxes are so rampant, in fact, that the US Dept of Energy's
Computer Incident Advisory Capability has complained that they cannot do
their job, (sounds like typical government agency to me) to track computer
viruses.. They say they are spending more time debunking hoaxes than
handling real viruses...  anyway the article went on and on.....Talking
about email hoaxes, chain email, and warnings that your Hard Drive will
melt, and all floppys sitting around on your desk will be erased, and some
will even RESET the temperature in your home freezer if you open and

The article asks us all to do a few things before panicking and

First of all be skeptical about any email that asks you to forward copies
to everyone you know.....Be skeptical if it promises you FREEBIES, or
threatens bodily harm... And there is NO TECHNOLOGY available that can
track or count how many of any one e-mail message is in circulation at any
one time..=20

There is absolutely no way that reading an email can infect your computer,
it's when you open an ATTACHMENT that you are at risk..=20

Never open links or attachments from someone you DON'T know, even if you
know the sender

Never run a program from an unknown source.=20

Check out Web sites like the CIAC, that keep tabs on hoaxes..=20

Here are a few good ones that you SHOULD maybe bookmark.....=20









Take the time to check them out, 'sides it is sometimes interesting to
visit these site, to actually see for your self just how dumb some people
are to believe these HOAXES are real....smiles

Thanks for your time, and now let me check my e-mail





   I like cats, too. Let's exchange recipes.

Someone who is both stubborn and truculent is

                       Jag Alskar Dig =20

IJMC August 1999 Archives