IJMC - Small School Larning's
Ok, for all you future business owners out there. Don't tell someone to do
your books half by rounding to the nearest thousand, and then do the
second half without rounding. It really sucks to need to go back and fix
it all...and well, sometimes, your numbers just won't be right. And
remember, it doesn't matter that you got an accountant to do them...you're
still liable for your own numbers. Bwhahahaaha. -dave
P.S. This is why I am a student of accounting...not an accountant. <grin>
A young Jewish boy starts attending public school in a small town. The
teacher of the one-room school decides to use her position to try to
influence the new student. She asks the class,
"Who was the greatest man that ever lived?"
A girl raises her hand and says,
"I think George Washington was the greatest man that ever lived because
he is the Father of our country."
The teacher replies,
"Well...that's a good answer, but that's not the answer I am looking
Another young student raises his hand and says,
"I think Abraham Lincoln was the greatest man that lived because he
freed the slaves and helped end the civil war."
..."Well, that's another good answer, but that is not the one I was
looking for."
Then the new Jewish boy raises his hand and says,
"I think Jesus Christ was the greatest man that ever lived."
The teacher's mouth drops open in astonishment.
"Yes!" she says, "that's the answer I was looking for."
She then brings him up to the front of the classroom and gives him a
Later, during recess, another Jewish boy approaches him as he is licking
his lollipop. He says,
"Why did you say, 'Jesus Christ'?"
The boy stops licking his lollipop and replies,
"I know it's Moses, and YOU know it's Moses, but business is business."