IJMC - Everything's A Dollar
Well, except for the giant frost-free refrigerator with automatic ice
maker. That's not a dollar. Oi...one more week...finals. Oi. -dave
A man walked into an appliance store and asked the price of a 25" remote
controlled color television set. "One dollar," the clerk replied.
"You've got to be kidding." "Look, Mac," the clerk said, "do you want
it or not?" Of course, the customer gave him a dollar. On the way out
with his incredible bargain, the customer saw a big frost-free
refrigerator with automatic ice maker. "How much for that?" he asked
the clerk. "Fifty cents," came the reply. The customer forked over the
half dollar, saying, "What the heck is going on here?" "Nothing is
going on here," the clerk snapped. "But my boss is at my house with
my wife. And what he's doing to her, I'm doing to his business."