IJMC - Awhh, No Women Served?
You know, it's just another sign of the lack of service in the nineties.
Everyone's trying to cut back by eliminating vital services that used to
accompany sales. Oh well, I guess I'll just have to do what the sign
says...now, who to bring? -dave
Great Signs:
On a ski lift in Taos, NM:
'No jumping from the lift. Survivors will be prosecuted.'
Official sign near door: Door Alarmed.
Handprinted sign nearby: Window frightened.
HEY, Life is still not fair for the guys
Found in a restaurant in England:
Guys: No shirt, No service
Girls: No shirt, No charge
Road sign seen on the island of Cyprus
(translation of the Greek):
'Caution: Road Slippery from Grapejuice'
A billboard seen next to the highway, travelling from
Johannesburg International Airport into town.
An Ad for BMW showing a photo of a BMW 328i convertible
with the roof and all the windows down.
The caption reads:
'Our hardware runs better without WINDOWS!!!'
Two signs found on top of one another in a country
kitchen several years ago:
Please wait for hostess to seat you.
Sign in front of church in Montpelier, VT:
Bingo Friday night at 8:00pm
Quickies Thursday at 7:30pm.
Seen in a health food store_
" Shoplifters will be beaten over the head with
an organic carrot "
"Children left unattended will be towed at parents expense."
I went to a little hole in the wall restaurant:
the sign read: Women are not served here...
You have to bring your own.