IJMC - Halloween I: The Saga Begins
Happy Halloween everyone. Tonight, there were be several IJMC's in a row,
to get all of the Halloween related material out in one night...also, so
I don't have to send another IJMC this weekend...I'm gonna be busy enough
as it is. So, have fun, be safe, and don't eat too much candy (or too
much of my jello...). -dave
Some Halloween Trivia for everyone...
Knocking on wood ..."We mention something good that's happened
or that we expect to happen, then we knock twice on a piece of
wood. Why? Once upon a time, trees were thought to be the homes
of the gods. To be granted a favor, a person would ask nicely
and touch the bark of the tree. Then knock once more to say,
'Thank you.'"
Breaking a mirror ..."Your reflection was considered to
represent your soul. So, breaking the image was harmful to
your soul."
Walking under a ladder ..."Today, we avoid this practice, we
claim, out of common sense. But in the olden days, a leaning
ladder formed a triangle with the floor and the wall. The
triangle was considered a symbol of life; if you walked
through it, you were tempting the fates."
Black cat ..."In the Middle Ages, black cats were believed to
be companions to witches. After seven years the cat was
said to have turned into a witch, too, or even a devil--either
to be avoided at all costs."
Friday the 13th ..."There were 13 people at the Last Supper--
and Judas was the 13th guest: Friday is considered unlucky
because that's the day Christ died. Put them together and
you have Friday the 13th, the unluckiest day on the calendar."
Why do witches wear pointed hats? The familiar black hat said
to be worn by witches was actually an invention of the
Christian church. In medieval days it was called a
'steeple-crowned hat,' derived from 'steeple house,' the
Puritans' word for church. Legend has it that the hats were
placed on the heads of witches before they burned at the stake.
It was hoped that the symbol of the church would
draw salvation into their immortal souls.
Happy Halloween.....