IJMC - This Is Not A Chain Letter
Do not delete this and send it on to as many people as you know. Ever
heard that one? I had two of them today even...of course, neither of them
had any message, just a lot of fowards. Anyway, this is real. The
internet is a great thing but so many people have been taken by it. All
the "American Cancer Society will donate 3 cents for each email" things
are hoaxes. If you get something like that, try to check it out before
you send, just like you would off the computer... -dave
WOAH! Not so fast... Letters like this are wonderful for circulating
around the net. Millions of people pass them along every day.
Unfortunately, they're missing a key element that makes them work - an
expiration date. Take for example the letter that's been around the
world several times - it claims that a boy is dying of cancer and his
wish is to get in the Guiness Book of Records for getting the most
greeting cards. Sure 'nuff, he made it, 7 years ago, when he got 1.5
million cards, and he's been getting swamped with cards ever since. (He
survived his cancer after an operation to remove it.)
The letters are very difficult to detect - they look perfect - there's
someone dying of cancer, or a kid that needs help with a science
project, or something else that asks for help. Help is rather simple to
give (e-mail, greeting card), and so many people give. Others pass on
the note. Psychologically speaking, the letters get around because
they're well written. Unfortunately, they leave the originator (or
worse, the target) of the message swamped with greetings from the four
corners of the globe until everyone has greeted them or recognized the
If it doesn't have an expiration date and you didn't receive it directly
from the original sender (or can't trace it back to the original
sender), please, do the net a favor and take no action. It may seem
callous, but it's preferable to swamping some poor soul with millions of
pieces of mail.
I hear:
> Hey all,
> I really hate chain letters too, but as a survivor of cancer myself I
> thought if there's even a little possiblity that this is true that I
> wanted to contribute. Please scroll down and see what it's all about.
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> >
> >Okay guys, I know this looks like a chian letter, but it's not the
> >really
> >annoying kind. It's for a little girl who's has cancer and the
> American
> >Cancer Society will donate a little money for each person this gets
> sent
> >to. So in short, sent it to as many as you can stand. (What I have
> >written here is a summary of what's below, but if you read it, you'll
> >understand why I'm bothering everyond with this.)
> >After you read this, please send it to EVERYONE you know. I even
> erased
> >the pages of nasty forwarding stuff, so please take the time to read
> >this
> >and send it out to others. Thanx, Cheli
> >
> >>>>Subject: If this is real its worth it
> >>>>
> >>>>Well, guys, we're back at school and back to the forwards...come
> on,
> >you
> >>>>love
> >>>>them. But this is a good one and if it's real, it's definitely
> worth
> >it
> >>>>to
> >>>>send
> >>>>it around....thanks! Love, Dani
> >>>>
> >>>>P.S. I think you also have to send one to ACS@aol.com...
> >>>>
> >>>> o.k. you guys..... this isn't a chain letter, but a
> >>>>choice for all of us to save a little girl who is dying from a
> >serious
> >>>>and fatal form of cancer.
> >>>> Please send this to everyone you know...or don't know at that.
> >>>> This little girl has 6 months left to live her life, and as her
> dying
> >>>> wish, she wanted to send a chain letter telling everyone to live
> >their
> >>>>life to fullest, since she never will. She'll never make it
> >>>>to prom, graduate from high school, or get married and have a
> family
> >>>>of her own.
> >>>> By you sending this to as many people as possible, you can give
> her
> >>>>and her family a little hope, because with every name that this
> >>>>is sent to, The American Cancer Society will donate 3 cents per
> name
> >>>>to her treatment and recovery plan. One guy sent this to 500
> >>>>>people
> >>>>>>!!!! So,
> >>>>>> > I know that we can send it to at least 5 or 6.
> come on
> >>>>you
> >>>>>>guys.... and
> >>>>>> > if you're too selfish to take 10-15 minutes
> scrolling
> >>>>this
> >>>>>>and
> >>>>>> > forwarding it to EVERYONE, then you are one sick
> >person.
> >>>>>>Just think it
> >>>>>> > could be you one day. It's not even your $money$,
> just
> >>>>>your
> >>>>>>time!!!
> >>>>>> >
> GIRL*****
> >>>>>> >
> >>>>>> >
> >>>>>> >> Time present and time past
> >>>>>> >> Are both perhaps present in time future,
> >>>>>> >> And time future contained in time past.
> >>>>>> >> T.S. Elliot
> >>>>>> >> Four Quartets.
> >>>>>> >> Burnt Norton,I
> >>>>>> >>
> >>>>>> >> Do more than exist - LIVE
> >>>>>> >> Do more than touch - FEEL
> >>>>>> >> Do more than look - SEE
> >>>>>> >> Do more than hear - LISTEN
> >>>>>> >> Do more than talk - SAY SOMETHING