IJMC It's the Law Folks.

                       IJMC - It's the Law Folks.

You know, I must say I'm amazed that Georgia isn't anywhere on this list. 
Other than that, there are some odd laws on the books...and do remember, 
not knowing the law is not an excuse. Every citizen must know this. Do 
your part.                                                          -dave

just in case you were wondering....

Willowdale, Ore.
        It's against the law for a husband to talk dirty during sex.

        A man cannot seduce a chaste woman by means of "temptation,
	deception, arts, flattery or a promise of marriage."

14 states
        Heterosexual oral sex is illegal.  In 21 states, gay oral sex is

Newcastle, Wyo
        Couples are prohibited from having sex in a butcher's walk-in freezer

Every State
        It's illegal to have sex with a dead body.

Hawaii, Iowa, Maine, Mississippi
        These states have the youngest age of sexual consent: 14.

Carlsbad, N.M.
        It's legal for couples to have sex in a parked vehicle during lunch
	break as long as the car or van has drawn curtains.

Sioux Fall, S.D.
        Every hotel room is required to have twin beds.  The beds must
	remain a minimum of 2 feet apart when a couple rents the room for a
	single night.  It's illegal to have sex on the floor between the beds.

        It's illegal for a hotel manager to allow a woman to room with more
	than one man for 30 days if the room is smaller than 400 square feet.

        Women are not allowed to wear patent-leather shoes because they
	might reflect up her dress.

        S&M is against the law.  Specifically:  "The depiction or
	description of flagellation or torture by or upon a person who is
	nude or clad in undergarments or in a bizarre or revealing costume
	for the purpose of sexual gratification."

        Bestiality - "whoever carnally knows a dead body or an animal or
	bird is guilty" - is illegal.

Fairbanks, Alaska
        It's illegal for two moose to have sex on the city sidewalks.

Ames, Iowa
        A husband is not allowed to take more than three swallows of beer
	while in bed after having sex.

Connorsville, Wis
        It's illegal for a man to shoot a gun when his femal partner has an

10 states
        Cohabitation is illegal.

IJMC January 1997 Archives