IJMC The Penultimate Life is Like a Box of Chocolates

       IJMC - The Penultimate Life is Like a Box of Chocolates

It may not be the true penultimate list, but boy it's close. The dang 
Energizer bunny hardly goes on this long! Enjoy!                -dave

Forrest Gump                 Life is like a Box of chocolates...

Hollywood Forrest

Forrest Simpson              Mmmmm, chocolate...
Forrest Simmons              Chocolate is bad! EXERCISE! EXERCISE!
Forrest Rivera               People who like Chocolate..Next on  "Forrest"
Forrest Hefner               Keep the chocolate, lose the box.
Forrest McClain              I used to be a box of Chocolates
Forrest Ventura              Chocolates...Alll-Riighty then...
Forrest Bones                Dammit Jim, I'm a doctor, not a box of chocolate
Forrest Spock                Logically speaking, we are all chocolate
Forrest Scotty               The box...she's breaking apart Capt'n
Forrest Rooney               Why is it that we are all chocolates?
Forrest Butler               Frankly Scarlett, I don't like chocolate
Forrest O'Hara               Tommorrow, is another box of chocolates.
Forrest Lee                  Fight with your inner chocolate
Forrest Nicholson            You want chocolate? You can't handle chocolate
Forrest Copperfield          POOF! The chocolates are gone!
Forrest Eastwood             I know what your thinking.  Did he eat five 
			     chocolates, or did he eat six?  Well let me 
			     ask you...Do you feel hungry,PUNK? 
Forrest Andrews              The Hills are alive...like a box of chocolates
Forrest Allen                Chocolate...Huuuh?
Forrest Costello             Who's eating chocolate?
Forrest Abbot                No, Who is not eating chocolate
Forrest Vader                Luke...I am your chocolate
Forrest Yoda                 There is a dark chocolate, and a light  
Forrest Obi 1 Kenobi         May the chocolate be with you
Forrest Hall                 Will you take the Box of Chocolates,
                             or what's behind DOOR NUMBER TWO?
Forrest Press Your Luck      Box of Chocolates! No Whammies...STOP!
Forrest of Fortune           LIFE I_ LIKE _ __X _F CH_C_L_TE_
Forrest Ross                 Life is a happy little box of chocolates
Forrest Bill and Ted         Dude, Life's totally a box of Chocolate!
                                 ___AIR GUITARS TRIUMPHANTLY_____
Forrest Fife                 This Box of Chocolates is a lethal weapon!
Forrest Stooges              Look Chocolates....nyuk nyuk nyuk
                             Scram Wise guy **BOink**
                             Leave him alone Moe!
                             Oh you want in on it too...**SLAP**/CRASH/
Forrest Beavis               Heh-heh, you said Box
Forrest Butthead             Uh...life is like a box of, um...chocolates
Forrest Trebeck              The answer: This is like a box of Chocolate
                             (Contestant): What is Life?
Forrest Tannen               Chocolates...McFly, hello!!
The Forrest Zone             There is another dimension,
                             beyond that which is known to man,
                             It's a dimension of cream-filled bon-bons
                             Or nutty carmel turtles,
                             and it lies in the white cardboard box,
                             in the pit of my lap.
                             It is a candy coated center of
                             comparision, and it is a place we call...
                             The Forrest Zone
Forrest Churchlady           Chocolates...well, isn't that special!
Forrest Wayne                Sh-yeah..and life is like a box of 
			     chocolates as if...
Forrest Garth                Hey mister chocolate man...who's trying to
                             kill you?...I don't know but you better not...
Forrest Bond                 Life's a box of exploding chocolate
Forrest COPS on location     Bon bons, bon bons
                             whatcha gonna do
                             whatcha gonna do, when someone eats you!
Kid's Forrest

Forrest Smurf                Smurf is like a smurf of smurfs
Forrest Fudd                 Wife is wike a box uv chocowates
Forrest Popeye               I yam a box of Chocolets...yuk, yuk, yuk
Forrest Barney               I'm cream filled, You're with nuts We're a 
Forrest the Frog   	     Someday we'll find it, The chocolate connection
                             The plain ones, The cream filled, and me
Forrest Doo                  Roinks Raggy, Rocolates!
Forrest Pig                  Life is a box of choc-choa-che..candy
			     box of chocoluts...
Musical Forrest

Forrest Lennon               Imagine there's no chocolate...
Forrest Presley              Hunk a hunk of milk chocolate
Forrest Lauper               People just wanna have chocolate
Forrest Turner               What's chocolate gotta do, gotta do with it?
Forrest Jackson              Little kids like my box of chocolates

Historical Forrest

Forrest X                    We didn't land in the box of chocolates.  The 
			     box of chocolate landed on us!
Forrest Hitler               White Chocolates only!
Forrest Marx                 That's the weirdest box of chocolates I've  
			     ever seen....
Forrest Dahmer               People are like a box of chocolate, YUM!
Forrest the Hun              Chocolate all mine!
Forrest Ali                  Chocolate's the greatest!

Religious Forrest

Forrest Adam and Eve         ADAM=Chocolates are forbidden
                             EVE=Just eat one....
Forrest Moses                I command the chocolates to seperate!
Forrest Noah                 2 creams, 2 nuts, 2 coconuts, 2 peanut  
Forrest Christ               Let he without sin, eat the first chocolate
Forrest Zen                  I am one with the chocolate
Forrest Satan                Life is a box of melted chocolates (Sign)

Miscellaneous Forrest

Forrest On Phonics           Lief es lyk a boks uv chakolets
Forrest Alimony              The Box is mine!
Forrest Shakespeare          Chocolate, or no chocolate. That is question
Forrest Of Borg              All chocolates must be assimilated
Forrest Adultry              You just can't have one chocolate.
Dr. Forrest Ruth             Chocolate is nice, but sex is better!
The Forrest plague           Ewww..these Chocolates are bad
Forrest Latin                ifela sia a oxba foa hocolatesa
ChiefJustice Forrest Thomas  I never touched her milk-duds!
Commercial Forrest

Forrest PsychicLine          Yes, I knew you were a chocolate
Forrest 900-line             oooh, can I suck your cream filled chocolates?
Forrest Dating Game          Bachelor number two,
                             If I was a piece of chocolate...
Forrest '95                  The box is the same,
                             But the chocolates are upgraded.
Political Forrest
Forrest Reagan               Life is a box of um.....
Forrest Bush                 This will not be another Box of Chocolates!
Forrest Clinton              I didn't inhale the cream centers
Forrest Limbaugh             Life may be a box of Chocolates...
                             But the Democrats are all nuts...
Forrest Hillary              Hey Bill...those are my Chocolates!

Forrest Funnies              Life is a bunch of funnies, you never know
                             what is going to make you laugh.

IJMC January 1997 Archives