IJMC - Unofficial Drinking Game of the X-Files
I figure the timing on this one is almost poetic. Friday we have a
classic episode of the X-Files (put up with the cockroaches, hearing
Scully say "Barbie?" is just beautiful!) and then they move to the new
time on Sunday. Do I pay attention to this? Naaaaaa. And I wasn't the one
in the group to notice in the middle of a suspenseful scene, "Wow, one
third of the screen is taken up by her chest!" -dave
P.S. Can you imagine an "Official Drinking Game of the X-Files"?! Whew!
Fun with the X-Files: The Unofficial Drinking game of the X-Files
How to play:
It's an easy game. All you need to play is a can (or glass) of your favorite
beverage (if it's a beer, you tend to have more fun with the game) and a TV.
Just watch an episode of the greatest show ever created, The X-Files, and when
you see one of the following occurrences, drink that much of your beverage.
Single Drinks:
These are the ones that are going to happen in every episode at least once.
1. Every time Scully is scene examining internal organs of some corpse.
2. If Mulder or Scully is in a dark scary place and one of them drops
or loses their flashlight.
3. Every time Mulder or Scully calls each other on the cellular phone
and the first thing the other says is, "Where are you?"
4. Whenever Mulder or Scully gets in a fight and manages to lose his/her gun.
5. Every time a flashlight that is so bright it must require a car battery
is used in a totally dark room.
6. If Mulder mentions that something could be paranormal and another character
thinks he's joking.
7. If Mulder just happens to know some obscure case reference or fact that
just happens to be similar to the case that they are working on. (Take 3
if Scully says it)
8. Anytime anyone goes into a dark and scary place and it is obvious that they
should NOT be there.
9. Every time Scully misses proof of a paranormal event.
10. Any time Scully calls a connection between two things "Purely
Circumstantial" when the connection is so obvious it would have to
hit her in the face and start to wiggle to be any more obvious.
11. Any time when Mulder and Scully split up and Scully goes somewhere that
the paranormal event ISN'T, so that she misses the whole thing and doesn't
believe Mulder when he tells her about it (drink the whole damn thing if
she DOES witness it).
12. Whenever Mulder just happens to notice some minute detail that will have
a direct impact on the case later in the episode.
Double Drinks:
These are not so common, but at least one of them will be found in
each episode.
1. Whenever Cancer Man is smoking around a visible non-smoking sign.
2. Every time a mysterious character shows up at the end of an episode to keep
Mulder from learning the truth.
3. Every time someone knows about Mulder's sister, but won't tell him
about it.
4. If a computer or other piece of electronics is used to "bring out" or
enhance an image from something that M or S has found.
5. If you see the numbers 11/21, which correspond to the birthday of Chris
Carter's wife.
6. Every time a reference is made to Mulder's obsession with porn. (Yes,
it's there, you just have to watch for it.)
7. Whenever Mulder is called "Fox."
8. Every time Cancer Man lights a cigarette.
9. Every time Mulder mentions his sister's abduction.
10. Whenever Mulder runs off and leaves Scully to get attacked just so
he can save the day.
11. Whenever Mulder is seen with sunflower seeds.
Three Drinks:
This aren't very common either, but there's a good chance you'll see one.
1. Whenever Mulder is called "Spooky Mulder."
2. Every time Deep Throat or Mr. X is called.
3. If Mulder is seen actually looking at porn.
4. If M or S gets in a fight, loses gun, and wins fight without the
other's help.
Four Drinks:
These are not very likely to happen at all, but they might...
1. If they ever drive a car other than a Ford Taurus.
2. Whenever someone gets sick during an autopsy.
3. If Mulder or Scully is seen wearing anything other than a business suit.
(double if it's underwear)
4. Any time Scully is seen driving a car. (double if she's by herself)
Whole Drink!
Now these, on the other hand, are rare, but fun when they happen.
1. If the credits say something other than "The Truth Is Out There."
2. If Scully believes that something is paranormal and Mulder doesn't.
3. Any time either Mulder or Scully have a date (NO NOT WITH EACH OTHER!!!!!).
4. If Skinner is seen anywhere outside of FBI headquarters.
If Scully and Mulder ever engage in any act of romance, affection, or anything
else that will just ruin the show.