IJMC - Stop French Nuclear Testing
Not all of the IJMC mails are humorous. And a few aren't even junk. This
one may even have been sent out before. But I think it's worth it. Read
on, and see if you agree. -dave
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1 SHIMIZU Seishi Physics,University of Tokyo,Japan
2 Yuichi Nishihara Physics,University of Tokyo,Japan
3 Hirohisa TANIGUCHI Physics,University of Tokyo,Japan
4 Takashi Tomoeda Physics,University of Tokyo,Japan
5 Tomoki KOBAYASHI Physics,University of Tokyo,Japan
6 Munehito ARAI Physics,University of Tokyo,Japan
7 Akira Okazaki Physics,University of Tokyo,Japan
8 Atsushi Matsumura Physics, Tohoku University, Japan
9 Kouta Yamamoto Chemistry,Tohoku University,Japan
10 Yasushi UJIOKA Degremont S.A., France
11 Toru Hara Universite de Paris Sud, France
12 Rene Bakker CEA - Sacley, France
13 David Garzella Universite de Paris Sud, France
14 Henk Blok Vrije Universiteit/NIKHEF, Amsterdam
15 Igor Passchier NIKHEF, Amsterdam
16 Ard van Sighem NIKHEF, Amsterdam
17 Johan Noordhoek KOL Leiden
18 C.M.C.M. van Woerkens Kamerlingh Onnes Laboratory, Leiden
19 Annemarie Borst, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
20 Gijs Nelemans Universiteit Utrecht
21 Susanne Buiter Universiteit Utrecht
22 Yvo Kok Paleomagnetic Lab., Utrecht
23 Thom Pick Paleomagnetic Lab., Utrecht University
24 Dagmar Olbertz Universiteit Utrecht
25 Eleonore Stutzmann Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris, France
26 Nicole Girardin Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris, France
27 Francois Girardin Ecole Nat. Sup. des Telecommunications,France
28 J.-P. Chaboureau Lab. Meteorologie Dynamique,France
29 F. CHERUY Lab. Meteorologie Dynamique, France
30 G.L.Liberti Lab. Modelisation climat et environnement, CEA, France
31 David Stephenson Centre Europeen de Recherche et Formation Avancee
en Calcul Scientifique, Toulouse, France
32 Dr. Ralph P. Sobek Centre Europeen de Recherche et Formation Avancee
en Calcul Scientifique, Toulouse, France
33 Marc Vaisset LAAS, Toulouse, France
34 Daniel SIDOBRE LAAS, Toulouse, France
35 Francois CHARRU IMFT Toulouse, France
36 Arjan KAMP IMFT Toulouse, France
38 Rix GROENBOOM University of Groningen, the Netherlands
39 Bernard FABER University of Groningen, The Netherlands
40 Pablo M. Llatas University of California, Santa Barbara, USA.
41 Elena Ortiz Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, SPAIN.
42 Carlos Eiroa Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Spain
43 Cristina Prieto Observatorio Astronomico "R. M. Aller"
Universidade de Santiago, Spain
44 Josefina Ling Observatorio Astronomico "R. M. Aller"
Universidade de Santiago, Spain
45 William HARTKOPF Georgia State University, Atlanta, Georgia, USA
46 Elizabeth Ferrara Georgia State University, Atlanta, Georgia, USA
47 David Thompson Georgia Institute of Technology, Atl., Georiga, USA
Dear Sirs,
This is a chain letter to urge the French government to stop
nuclear tests.
If you agree with us, please add your name to the list above
and send copies to your friends.
We will add up the lists that had come back to us, and send
it to the French Government.
If you happen to be the hundredth,two hundredth, three hundredth,
and so on, on the list, please send a copy of the mail back to
the addresses below, so that we can keep track of this project.
If you have any comment please send mail to us. And also, if you
are multi-lingual and have friends who may not understand English,
please translate this message and add it to the end of the mail.
Thank you very much.
******* addresses of the organizers
keshi@uticeaix1.icepp.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp <- please use this adress