IJMC Democrats vs. Republicans

		   IJMC - Democrats vs. Republicans

The IJMC would claim to be apolitical. And we'd be laughed at. So here's 
a nice handy-dandy chart to help you vote in any upcoming elections! -dave

 We may have long wondered about our american neighbors down south and
 the actual differences between the democrats and republicans.

     It all really just boils down to this:

     ISSUE           | DEMOCRATS                | REPUBLICANS
     criminals       | Give them a second       | Give them the swift
                     | chance                   | sword of death, unless
                     |                          | they were patriotic or
                     |                          | or rich.
     the poor        | Give them some food      | Give them the swift
                     |                          | sword of death, or
                     |                          | ship them back to where
                     |                          | they ( or their great-
                     |                          | grandfather) came from.
     endangered      | give them protection     | Give them the swift
     species         |                          | sword of death, unless
                     |                          | letting them live to
                     |                          | maturity will produce
                     |                          | a fine fur coat.
     dictators       | give them a way out      | Give them the swift
                     |                          | sword of death, unless
                     |                          | they promise to fight
                     |                          | the commies.
     the uninsured   | Give them some           | Given them the swift
                     | health care              | sword of death, or let
                     |                          | them run for office.
     the cost        | $9,000,000,000,          | $9,000,000,000,
                     |    000,000,000           |    000,000,000
                     |                          | (The cost of outfitting
                     |                          |  the military with new
                     |                          |  laser guided "Swift
                     |                          |  Swords of Death").

Yet Another E-Mail Sent By The International Junk Mail Clearinghouse (IJMC).
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       IJMC WebPage - http://gsusgi2.gsu.edu/~stdmdix/ijmc/ijmc.html

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IJMC May 1995 Archives