IJMC I can't change channels with the mouse?!

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Date: Mon, 13 Mar 1995 21:44:24 -0800 (PST)
From: "David P. Thompson" <eatheror@netcom.com>
Subject: This was picked up off of UUS-L (fwd)
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		IJMC - I can't change channels with the mouse?!

Just another computer problem anecdote...enjoy as you will...	-dave

Date:    Thu, 26 Jan 1995 12:53:44 -0500
From:    Justin <uu@MARVIN.WARIAT.ORG>
Subject: Re: Venting

David Wadleigh gave us some food for thought on how computer technology,
which so many of us consider a 'no-brainer' is still hard for some
people to grasp.

The following anecdote is _true_, and taught me to _always_ chanlenge my
own assumptions:

I helped my father buy a nice 386 computer with winodows, a inkjet
printer and a fast modem some years ago.  Since he has one of the old
Compaq 'luggables' with the 5-inch screen before that, we moved that
into the other room.  My stepmother continued to use that computer to
work on her word processor.   She's a very successful Public Relations
professional, and no dummy.

I was at their house, and my father was out, when she asked me to print
something out for her (my father took all of her documents and printed
them on his computer).  Being a computer professional and som-time
trainer, I suggested that I show her how to do it herself.  Gamely she
sat down at the computer and put her disk in the floppy drive.

I then said 'take the mouse and point it at this icon', pointing to the
icon that would start her WP on the new machine.  She calmly picked up
the mouse and pointed it directly at the icon on the screen.

Luckily, she has a good sense of humor, becuase I was rolling on the
floor laughing, mostly at how my own assumptions had assumed that using
a mouse was intuitive.  I'm a much better trainer after this experience,
because I've stopped assuming that anything on a computer is intuitive.


Date:    Thu, 26 Jan 1995 23:20:15 -0500
From:    John Burrill <jburl@FREENET.SCRI.FSU.EDU>
Subject: Re: Venting


> I then said 'take the mouse and point it at this icon', pointing to the
> icon that would start her WP on the new machine.  She calmly picked up
> the mouse and pointed it directly at the icon on the screen.
> Luckily, she has a good sense of humor, becuase I was rolling on the
> floor laughing...

Justin, I fail to see the humor in this.  I've been pointing my mouse at
icons for a long time and have been continually frustrated.  I can't
imagine what you find humorous about the failure of the mouse-makers to
put the little electric eye on the front of their mouse.  Only my
extensive experience with the TV remote led me to the discovery that this
was the reason for the lack of response.  Your mom is surely due an apology.

Yet Another E-Mail Sent By The International Junk Mail Clearinghouse (IJMC).
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IJMC March 1995 Archives