IJMC Profspeak 101

			IJMC - Profspeak 101

Don't you wish you had this guide when you were a new freshman?	     -dave

The left is what the professor says, the right is what the professor means.

                         By J. Timothy Petersik
                 from the Chronicle of Higher Education

You'll be using one of the leading        I used it as a grad student.
textbooks in the field.

If you follow these few simple rules,     If you don't need any sleep, you'll
you'll do fine in the course.             do fine in the course.

The gist of what the author is saying     I don't understand the details
is what's most important.                 either.

Various authorities agree that...         My hunch is that...

The answer to your question is beyond     I don't know.
the scope of this class.

You'll have to see me during my office    I don't know.
hours for a thorough answer to your

In answer to your question, you must      I really don't know.
recognize that there are several
disparate points of view.

Today we are going to discuss a most      Today we are going to discuss my
important topic.                          dissertation.

Unfortunately, we haven't the time to     I disagree with what roughly half
consider all of the people who made       the people in this field have said.
contributions to this field.

We can continue this discussion outside   1.  I'm tired of this - let's quit.
of class.                                 2.  You're winning the arguement -
                                              let's quit

Today we'll let a member of the class     I stayed out to late last night and
lead the discussion.  It will be a good   didn't have time to prepare
educational experience.                   lecture.

Any questions?                            I'm ready to let you go.

The implications of this study are       I don't know what it means either,
clear.                                   but there'll be a question about it
                                         on the test.

The test will be 50-questions            The test will be 60-questions
multiple choice.                         guess, plus three short-answer
                                         questions (1000 words or more) 
                                         and no one will score above 55 
                                         per cent.

The test scores were generally good.     Some of you managed a C+.

The test scores were a little below      Where was the party last night?
my expectations.

Some of you could have done better.      Everyone flunked.

Before we begin the lecture for          Has anyone opened the book yet?
today, are there any questions about
previous material?

According to my sources...               According to the guy who taught this
                                         class last year...

It's been very rewarding to teach        I hope they find someone else to

Yet Another E-Mail Sent By The International Junk Mail Clearinghouse (IJMC).
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IJMC April 1995 Archives